Am I Suppose to Stop Loving You Now That You’re Gay?
I’m dedicating this blog to anyone that’s dealing with their identity, finding it difficult to accept a gay friend and/ or family member; has known someone that felt like hurting his/herself or actually committed suicide because he/ she was gay and to someone very close to me, my cousin, that had the courage to come out of the closet a few years ago to her family..
I remember the excitement in her voice when she spoke about her wedding day with me. The thought of becoming a wife was going to change her life! She was going to have more children, buy a big house, find a great job and a wonderful husband. What more can a woman ask for, right? Only problem with this perfect picture was the lie she was living. She discovered her sexuality in high school. However, the fear of coming out of the “closet”, lead her to live inside of an unhappy world, alone.
I grew up in a very religious home. My parents made sure my siblings and I attended church every Sunday. We grew up learning that homosexuality was morally wrong! No questions asked. GOD did not create Adam and Steve or Susan and Eve…HE created Adam and Eve. Period. End of story!
My faith and all that I have in me belongs to the Almighty. Therefore, it’s only right that I respect HIM. But what happens when you’re faced with a complicated situation and someone you love is going against HIS morals and values? Do you stop loving the person that’s going against HIM? I’ve been told that it’s the devil that managed to work its way into the mind of a homosexual person.-”It’s” a revenge to get back at GOD! But how true can that be when I’ve met gay people that had the Bible memorized and was capable of reciting any passage if asked to?!.
I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit to being homophobic at a point of time. The thought of being around any gay person, let alone know one, was almost in a sense scary because I was raised to think that homosexuality was the worse thing to be in the world. You were better off being a murderer, prostitute, thief or a liar! Therefore, under ANY circumstances was I allowed to be around anyone like “that”. That’s until I discovered I’ve known someone like “that” all my life…
My cousin coming out of the closet has helped me to analyze a lot of things about myself and life in general. I’m a heterosexual woman, nothing will ever change that. So why should I have fear of being around a gay person? Last I checked, they resembled everyone else walking on this earth!
I love my cousin unconditionally. Whether or not I agree or disagree with her lifestyle, I’ll NEVER stop loving her because she’s gay! Who am I to pass any judgment on anyone, especially knowing that I’m far from being perfect.
To my dearest cousin, that gave me permission to share this blog with my readers, I love you dearly. I’m sorry for not being supportive at first when you reached out to me. You’re still battling the world, but only this time around you’re not alone.
i learn people are people; we all behave like children pass judge on everyone and we shouldn’t judge but we will.some of us think it are right to point a finger.
Posted on July 24th, 2011 at 8:05 pm
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