// Function returns a random number between 1 and n function rand(n){return(Math.floor(Math.random()*n+1));} jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // Disable HTML title attribute for slider images jQuery('.promo_slider img').removeAttr('title'); // Get all instances of promo_slider on the page var sliders = jQuery('.promo_slider_wrapper'); // Cycle through each slider jQuery.each(sliders, function(){ // Define current slider var currentSlider = jQuery(this); var thisSlider = jQuery('.promo_slider', currentSlider); // Get all panels var panels = jQuery('.panel', thisSlider); // Get total count of panels var panelCount = panels.length; // Set number for first panel if( promo_slider_options.startOn == 'first' ) var initialPanel = 1; else var initialPanel = rand(panelCount); if( currentSlider.hasClass('random') ) initialPanel = rand(panelCount); if( currentSlider.hasClass('first') ) initialPanel = 1; // Should we pause the slider on mouseover? var pauseOnMouseover; if( currentSlider.hasClass('pause') ) pauseOnMouseover = true; else pauseOnMouseover = false; // Assign variable for setInterval var sliderInterval; // Set time delay var timeDelay = promo_slider_options.timeDelay; if( jQuery('.promo_slider_time_delay', thisSlider).html() ){ timeDelay = jQuery('.promo_slider_time_delay', thisSlider).html(); } // Set auto advance variable var autoAdvance = promo_slider_options.autoAdvance; if( thisSlider.hasClass('auto_advance') ) autoAdvance = true; if( thisSlider.hasClass('no_auto_advance') ) autoAdvance = false; if( panelCount < 2 ) autoAdvance = false; // Set navigation option var navOption = promo_slider_options.nav_option; if( currentSlider.hasClass('default_nav') ) navOption = 'default'; else if( currentSlider.hasClass('fancy_nav') ) navOption = 'fancy'; else if( currentSlider.hasClass('links_nav') ) navOption = 'links'; else if( currentSlider.hasClass('thumb_nav') ) navOption = 'thumb'; else navOption = false; // Hide all panels panels.hide(); // Show initial panel and add class 'current' to active panel jQuery('.panel-' + initialPanel, currentSlider).show().addClass('current'); if(panelCount > 1 && (navOption == 'default' || navOption == 'fancy' || navOption == 'thumb') ){ jQuery('.promo_slider_nav').show(); jQuery('.promo_slider_thumb_nav').show(); if(navOption == 'fancy' || navOption == 'default'){ // Generate HTML for navigation var navHTML = ''; jQuery.each(panels, function(index, object){ // Set panel title panelTitle = jQuery('.panel-'+(index+1)+' span.panel-title', currentSlider).html(); newSpan = ''+(index+1)+''; if( (index + 1) != panelCount){newSpan = newSpan + ' | ';} navHTML = navHTML + newSpan; }); // Insert HTML into nav jQuery('.slider_selections', currentSlider).html(navHTML); } // Set click functions for each span in the slider nav var slideNav = jQuery('.slider_selections span', currentSlider); jQuery.each(slideNav, function(index, object){ jQuery(object).click(function(){ clearInterval(sliderInterval); if( !jQuery(object).hasClass('current') ) progress(jQuery(object).attr('class'), currentSlider, panelCount); if(autoAdvance) sliderInterval = setInterval(function(){progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount);}, (timeDelay * 1000)); }); }); // Set active span class to 'current' jQuery('.slider_selections span[class=' + initialPanel + ']', currentSlider).addClass('current'); } // Create click functions for navigational elements jQuery('.move_forward', currentSlider).click(function(){ clearInterval(sliderInterval); progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount); if(autoAdvance) sliderInterval = setInterval(function(){progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount);}, (timeDelay * 1000)); }); jQuery('.move_backward', currentSlider).click(function(){ clearInterval(sliderInterval); progress('backward', currentSlider, panelCount); if(autoAdvance) sliderInterval = setInterval(function(){progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount);}, (timeDelay * 1000)); }); if( autoAdvance ){ // Begin auto advancement of slides sliderInterval = setInterval(function(){progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount);}, (timeDelay * 1000)); if( pauseOnMouseover ){ // Pause slide advancement on mouseover jQuery(thisSlider).mouseover(function(){ clearInterval(sliderInterval); }); // Continue slide advancement on mouseout jQuery(thisSlider).mouseout(function(){ sliderInterval = setInterval(function(){progress('forward', currentSlider, panelCount);}, (timeDelay * 1000)); }); } } }); // Progress to selected panel function progress(value, currentSlider, panelCount){ // Find number of current panel var currentValue = jQuery('div.promo_slider > .panel', currentSlider).index(jQuery('div.panel.current', currentSlider)) + 1; // Set value of new panel if(value == 'forward'){ var newValue = currentValue + 1; if(newValue > panelCount){newValue = 1;} } else if(value == 'backward'){ var newValue = currentValue - 1; if(newValue == 0){newValue = panelCount;} } else{ var newValue = value; } // Assign variables for ease of use var currentItem = jQuery('.panel-' + currentValue, currentSlider); var newItem = jQuery('.panel-' + newValue, currentSlider); var currentSpan = jQuery('.slider_selections span.current', currentSlider); var newSpan = jQuery('.slider_selections span.' + newValue, currentSlider); // Add / Remove classes currentItem.removeClass('current'); newItem.addClass('current'); currentSpan.removeClass('current'); newSpan.addClass('current'); // Fade in / out currentItem.fadeOut('fast', function(){ newItem.fadeIn('fast'); }); } });