Have you ever been dating someone and recognized some tell-tale signs that he might not be all that into you? As women, the creator has endowed us with the gift of intuition, but only the wise and mature seem to know how to use this tool. If you are sensing that you are holding second place in every area of your mate’s life except the bedroom, then you have a problem.
Here are a few questions to consider if you‘re wondering just how “into you“ your man is:
- Are you only receiving his “leftover” attention? Does everything else in his life seem to get more of his time such as old high school buddies, networking events and shooting hoops on the court?
- Do you find most of your calls go straight to his voicemail?
- Does he prefer to spend your time together on the phone and indoors rather than out and about in public places?
- Do you have a sneaking suspicion he enjoys your sex life better than your company?
- Has he told you everything you want to hear, but hasn’t put much action to his words?
Many women spend their lives accommodating men that do not recognize their worth and the result can have a devastating affect on one’s confidence.
It may be time to recognize how he sees you – are you the friend, the freak or the forever? Then decide, which of these categories you want to fall under and start assessing your relationship.
A man’s actions speak louder than his words and if his actions aren’t aligning with his words you probably aren’t going to be in his “forever” anytime soon regardless of what he says and it may be time to realize the two of you are going in different directions.
You shouldn’t have to coax, manipulate or beg anyone to recognize your worth. You usually attract what you project on the inside, so if you project self-worth, confidence and wisdom, you are likely to attract someone who is worthy, confident and wise.
Have you ever heard the statement “A good man is hard to find?” Well this is by no means is scientifically tried and tested so don’t cultivate your love life around such an idea. Your goal should never be to “find” a good man but rather to “attract” a good man.
A lot of times we tend to approach the dating world haphazardly, when we should be setting standards and asking ourselves questions such as what are the characteristics of a good man? How do I define what this means in my life? How should he be treating me? Ask yourself the tough question, am I projecting goodness from the inside out?
Don’t be afraid to ask yourself the tough questions. One of the hardest things in life can be the path to self-discovery, most individuals hit or miss in this area and as a result they continue to hit or miss in their love life.
If you are hoping to see positive changes in your love life, then there needs to be positive changes happening inside of you.
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