Are we truly made for monogamy? Well apparently, some researchers don’t think so. In their book, “Sell at the Age of Dawn” authors Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha argue that a societal obsession with monogamy is not only unrealistic, but also harmful.
The authors say humans are unnaturally wired for monogamy and suggest that two-person marriages evolved out of agriculture for economic reasons.
No doubt, many people who would rather bum this book than admit such a theory could be true, but Ryan and Jetha present evidence worth considering.
In defending their controversial argument, the authors cite research showing more American women leave their marriages than want to because of societal pressure – these women believe they must leave their husbands to redeem themselves to society when the husbands cheat.
But regardless of whether or not one agrees that monogamy is natural, evidence like this proves that relationships are simply complicated.
Perhaps sex and love are not always the same, and if we learn to separate the two, maybe we could increase the chances of our relationships lasting longer. Perhaps spouses should reconsider divorce after infidelity, then again, Cinderella never had to share her man.
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